June Donaldson and Edward Garry live at an altitude of 2,600 metres in Mosoj Llajta, Yotala, 20 minutes from the colonial city of Sucre in Bolivia, South America. Using earth and stones from the land, we have sculpted beautiful buildings which compliment the high desert landscape and incorporate creative and innovative elements of design.

We have designed a high quality hotel in Sucre for guests who want to get off the treadmill of travelling from city to city in South America. At Sky Hacienda you can dictate your own timing and choose how to enjoy your stay, whether it is doing very little or exploring the best that the Andes in Bolivia has to offer.

28 May 2011


Although we had originally intended to use earth for the living room, our experience of the relative fragility of adobe floors in other parts of the Roundhouse changed our minds.  The last thing we wanted was to be worried about our guests causing damage with high heels and scraping chairs.  The decision was made to install a polished concrete floor that would stand up to heavy traffic.

After bringing in small stones and dirt, which had to be tamped down using home made concrete tampers, the complicated process of laying the stones over the huge expanse of the living room was begun.

 Each stone had to be selected, chipped to fit and hammered down into the earth.

 Gradually the floor was completed in sections.

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